The committee meets regularly to discuss matters arising on the plots and plan events. If you would like to raise something for discussion at the next meeting please email us at You can see the minutes of previous meetings below. Some common topics are Upkeep of the allotments by the Council and plotholders, Security, Ongoing issues such as the possible diversion of the River Ver, Events and much more.
You can view previous minutes below from committee meetings and from our AGMs
Minutes of meeting 12/01/2023
Minutes of meeting 07/10/2022
Minutes of meeting 16/05/2022
Minutes of meeting 24/05/2021
Minutes of meeting 23/03/2021
Minutes of meeting 13/01/2020
Minutes of meeting 15/09/2020
Minutes of meeting 12/08/2019
Minutes of meeting 15/05/2019
Minutes of meeting 05/02/2019
Minutes of meeting 15/10/2019
Minutes of meeting 17/07/2018
Minutes of meeting 15/05/2018
Minutes of meeting 09/01/2018
Minutes of meeting 07/08/2018
Minutes of meeting 02/10/2018
CNAA AGM 2020 Minutes
CNAA AGM 2019 Minutes
CNAA Accounts 16th May 2022
CNAA Accounts 20 March 2021
Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2021
CNAA Accounts 24th May
Balance Sheet 31st March 2021(Signed)
Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020
CNAA Accounts 31st March 2020
CNAA Accounts 15th September 2020
CNAA Accounts 15th May 19
CNAA Accounts 2019 – 2020
CNAA Accounts 20th October 2018
CNAA Treasurers Report